Healthy Family Characteristics
Basic Family Member Rights
The right to good will from each other
The right to love, encouragement and emotional support
The right to be heard and to be responded to with courtesy
The right to have your own views and beliefs
The right to have your feelings and experience acknowledged as real
The right to live free from accusation, blame and criticism
The right to live free of emotional and physical threat
The right to live free of angry outbursts and rage
The right to be called by no name that devalues you
The right to be respectfully asked rather than ordered
The right to receive a sincere apology for any jokes found offensive
The right to clear and informative answers to questions that concern what is legitimately your business
Basic Family Member Responsibilities
To do one's fair, agreed upon chores, jobs and duties
To be respectful, cooperative and there for one another
To try, with good will, to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings
To communicate honestly and fully (with "I statements"), sharing your thoughts, feelings, wants, etc. without imposing ("you statements", "you are...", "you should...", etc.) judgments, demands or abuse
To be true to yourself and to support one another in growth
Traits of a Healthy Family
Each member communicates and listens
Each appreciates and supports one another
Each behaves with respect for one another
There is a sense of basic trust in the family
There is play and humor
There is a sense of shared responsibility
There are values of right and wrong
There are family rituals and traditions
There is a balance of interaction among members
There is a shared spiritual core
There is respect for each member's privacy and space
There are values of helpfulness, service and cooperation
There are family meals together, conversation and sharing
There is shared leisure and recreation
There is a willingness to admit problems and feelings and seek solutions